A Sessions Court in Karnataka has restrained media houses from either publishing or telecasting any defamatory material in relation to the Ramesh Jarkiholi sex scandal, against BJP lawmaker, MP Renukacharya. An Additional City Civil & Sessions Judge, Bengaluru City, Ningouda B Patil passed this order on July 28, while hearing a petition filed by Mr Renukacharya. The petitioner, in his affidavit, stated that he hails from a respectable family and he is in public life as a people’s representativ. He said the defendant media organisations on July 21, 2021 published/telecast/broadcast defamatory statements regarding the alleged CD/explicit material on their platforms and channels referring him, which damaged his reputation. The defendants intended to malign his goodwill and reputation, which he earned by sacrificing his personal life for decades, Mr Renukacharya further alleged. He said if the defendants were permitted to publish/broadcast/telecast such statements, then it wou...