By Devender Singh Aswal The New India script has multiple dimensions, including proposed changes in the Indian Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954, by the Government of India. But states seem to be exceedingly wary, so much so that there is a forewarning of launching a people’s movement. The chief ministers of West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Jharkhand and now Kerala have written letters to the prime minister strongly opposing the proposed changes. Other states may join the chorus of protests as they view the move as an erosion of India’s federal structure, destructive of the spirit of cooperative federalism, the cornerstone of Indian nationhood. An incipient Opposition is coiling in the states and a larger segment of the bureaucracy as well for obvious reasons. The states, including many NDA-ruled states, are apprehensive that the proposed changes, once effected, would confer overarching powers to the Union government in the posting of IAS officers. This may be fol...