In the wake of the recent political upheaval in Maharashtra, an application has been filed in the Supreme Court, seeking urgent directions in a pending case, leading to a five-year ban on the Legislators, who have either resigned or declared disqualified from the Legislative Assembly, from contesting elections up to five years. Filed by Jaya Thakur, a Congress leader from Madhya Pradesh, the application was filed in an already pending petition filed by the same person in January, 2021, in which the Apex Court had issued notice to the Central government. In her earlier petition, Thakur had alleged that political parties in the country have developed a new trend to render the provisions of Xth Schedule redundant and otiose by making the ruling party MLAs resign from the House, leading to the fall of the government. The MLAs who resign, are then given ministerial posts by the new government and also given tickets to re-contest the by-elections, she had said. A Bench comprising then C...